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Cherry HALLS® Essential Oil Blend

sparoom® HALLS® Cherry Essential Oil Blend: Inspired by HALLS® cough drop classic flavors, this 100% essential oil and menthol will fill your senses and surround you with the relaxing rich aroma

The sparoom® HALLS® Cherry Essential Oil Blend is a perfect oil for any essential oil diffuser - especially the HALLS® Mini SpaMist Essential Oil Diffuser.



Add a few drops of essential oil to an aromatherapy diffuser to enjoy the fragrances of nature.


Extremely potent, use with care. Do not ingest. Other suggested uses: *Topical application and *Bath additive. *Dilute 1 drop of essential oil into 1 teaspoon of carrier oil before applying topically or adding into your bath water.


Natural Cherry Fragrance, Menthol and Eucalyptus globulus (Eucalyptus) Leaf Oil

Brand Statement

HALLS, the HALLS logo, and MENTHO-LYPTUS are trademarks of Mondelēz International group, used under license.
The statements expressed herein are those of Sparoom only and are not an endorsement by the HALLS® brand.

Product information

achieve relief at home


Enjoy relief at home or on-the-go with our line of HALLS® aromatherapy products.